Lynn Hershman Leeson


The following is an archive of written works related to Lynn Hershman Leeson’s career, important exhibitions, and Civic Radar, the most comprehensive exhibition and catalogue of her work to date. It also includes a selection of essays that expose the philosophical underpinnings of Hershman Leeson’s work, written by the artist herself. Text from earlier in the artist’s career is being added over time.

By Karen Archey in Waldburger Wouters

"Maria, the evil, working class, communist cyborg, has long been a key influence for the artist Lynn Hershman Leeson, whose artwork has for decades explored the relationship between the body, both human and non-human, and ...

Karen Archey on Lynn Hershman Leeson

By Arshy Azizi in Topical Cream

"The fictional character first came into existence five years prior when she checked into Dante Hotel in San Francisco. During the following years, Breitmore would be granted her own bank account, credit card, and apartment, and ...

Harvesting Anti-bodies With Lynn Hershman Leeson

Published in Blouin Art Info

"The exhibition has on display both new and rarely seen multimedia works, as well as film, painting, sculpture, photography, and drawings by more than 70 artists."

Internet & Art: A History at Maat, Portugal

By Yves Geng in TeleBasel

"In the first Swiss exhibition by Hershman-Leeson, the HeK focuses on the new biotechnological developments. Thus, among other things, regenerative medicine, genetic research and antibody research are discussed."

Between Art and Artificial Life

By Jens Hinrichsen in Monopol

“'When people sit down on the bank of the gallery, they often imitate Kim Novak,' says the artist, who shot 35 short film clips with three Madeleine doubles at various “Vertigo” locations and integrated them into the installation."

Fake News From Hitchcocktown

By Tanner West in ArtNet

"Why It’s Worth a Look: “Future Shock” sets its sights on several big issues that couldn’t feel more timely—mass surveillance, technocapitalism, globalization, population growth, pressing environmental concerns, and others."

Looking Future Shock in the Face, an Art Exhibition Reveals a Society Fundamentally Unsettled by Technology

By Jennifer Sauer in Artdependence Magazine

“I do not see risks ever,” said Lynn Hershman Leeson. “I only see opportunities and the implications of not taking them, and the need for courage and vision.”

Art, Technology & the Modern Era: An Interview With Lynn Hershman Leeson

By Sura Wood in Bay Area Reporter

"'Almost all of Hitchcock’s films deal with obsession and violence toward women and decapitation of their psyches,' she notes, but Vertigo, which film historian David Thomson has called 'Hitchcock’s finest moment as a master of ...

Haunted (or Stalked?) by VertiGhost

By Sonia Shechet Epstein in Sloan Science & Film

"The whole installation is about mirroring, value, artificiality, and twins. You sit down on a bench in front of my version of the Carlotta painting, which I blurred because it was more interesting, like blurring ...

Lynn Hershman Leeson on Vertigo, DNA and Tilda Swinton

By Jeffrey A. Day for UC Davis

"Internationally renowned artist Lynn Hershman Leeson, UC Davis professor emeritus, is receiving major awards from the College Art Association and the Women’s Caucus for the Arts."

Professor Emeritus Receives Two Major Awards

By Sonia Shechet Epstein in The Brooklyn Rail

"Lynn Hershman Leeson’s film Teknolust (2002)—starring Tilda Swinton as three distinct replicants created by a biogeneticist named Rosetta Stone, who communicates with them through a microwave, was always amazing but ...

Notes on Science and Film

By Sam Whiting in San Francisco Chronicle

"Multiple media artist Lynn Hershman Leeson hired a film crew of 15 or 20, plus three models to play the Novak role, to create VertiGhost. The original San Francisco locations were shot with the same angles and lighting ...

Vertighost Re-creates Hitchcock Film at Legion of Honor With Kim Novak Twist