Lynn Hershman Leeson


The following is an archive of written works related to Lynn Hershman Leeson’s career, important exhibitions, and Civic Radar, the most comprehensive exhibition and catalogue of her work to date. It also includes a selection of essays that expose the philosophical underpinnings of Hershman Leeson’s work, written by the artist herself. Text from earlier in the artist’s career is being added over time.

By Michelle Robertson in SF Gate

“Within moments, the exhibition introduces many of the themes that Bay Area resident Leeson has grappled with during her career, a career that long remained under-the-radar. The program, selected from a collection of over 800 ...

Lynn Hershman Leeson: Civic Radar opens at the YBCA

By Aurelio Cianciotta in Neural

“This thick luxurious ZKM catalogue of Lynn Hershman Leeson’s work, produced after her retrospective exhibition, is the most complete to date on the artist, achieving a long-overdue public acknowledgement of her work."

Lynn Hershman Leeson: Civic Radar

By Charles Desmarais in SF Gate

“It is required viewing for anyone attentive to pioneers of feminism, the development of digital and performance art, or the cultural history of the Bay Area. It is, as well, a reminder that legends are part historical, part mythic ...

Lynn Hershman Leeson: Myths and machines at YBCA

By Oliver Johnston in The Upcoming

“To see a group of eager people waiting in line is hardly a rare sight in Berlin. Generally, such lines are reserved for wide-eyed hipsters hoping to be granted admission into Berghain or another one of Berlin’s super clubs ...

Berlin Film Festival 2017: Ten Films to Look Out For

By Sarah Burke in East Bay Express

“Lynn Hershman Leeson pioneered work about issues most pertinent today before they were even on the radar. A seminal cyberfeminist thinker, Hershman Leeson’s experimentation in new media and net-art considers surveillance, ...

Lynn Hershman Leeson: Civic Radar at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts

By Haley Weiss in Interview Magazine

“Hershman Leeson is also often framed as a “predictor,” an artist who sees our forthcoming faults, but beyond her role as a technical pioneer in digital art, it’s perhaps more accurate to describe her as an astute reflector."

Lynn Hershman Leeson in New York

By Blake Gopnik in Artnet

"The videos and installations of Lynn Hershman Leeson, which went on view last weekend at Bridget Donahue gallery in New York, are painful things. A piece called Home Front asks viewers to look at a video through the window of a ...

Lynn Hershman Leeson Makes Art From Life’s Challenges

By Olivia B. Murphy in Art Slant

"During a gallery walk-through, Hershman Leeson carefully explains how she came upon the diverse technological modes she has worked with. More often than not she was ahead of the curve, and yet her name is not synonymous with the ...

Digital Pioneer Lynn Hershman Leeson Walks Us Through Her Groundbreaking Firsts

By Lida Bach in Movie Break

“Their conversation is not concerned solely with the immediate fright of incarceration, but with the mechanisms of state censorship and propaganda. Politics becomes a performance in front of the audience, whose staging was more complex ...

Movie Break

Published in The New Yorker

"This selection of absorbing interactive and video works spans four decades in the career of the American artist, a feminist trailblazer who exploits new technologies in provocative ways. The interactive videodisk “Lorna,” from ...

Goings On About Town: Lynn Hershman Leeson

By Chloe Wyma in Artforum

“But Hershman Leeson’s avant-garde technologism is cut with camp, horror, and feminized abjection, undergirding an eerie feeling that interactivity is as much about capture and control as it is about activation and agency."

Critics Picks

By Alexxa Gotthardt in Artsy

"At one point or another, everyone wants to become someone new. Maybe don a wig, adopt a new name, or adjust your personality. If David Bowie could seamlessly transform into Ziggy Stardust, and Beyoncé can metamorphose into Sasha ...

From Joan Jonas to Theaster Gates, These 8 Artists Fooled the Art World With Alter Egos