Lynn Hershman Leeson

Transgressing One(Self) and Many More, an Interview With Lynn Hershman Leeson
Jun 1, 2018
Metropolis M
Andrea Lelik

De eerste artistieke ontmoeting met technologie vond plaats toen ik ongeveer zestien jaar oud was en ik enkele tekeningen van vrouwen had gemaakt. Ik wilde een ervan kopiëren met behulp van een Xeroxmachine. In die tijd moest je het papier los invoeren en de kopie zou uit een rol komen. In dit specifieke geval zat het papier klem, het werd gescheurd en geplet waarbij de inkt zich over het hele beeld verspreidde.

The first real encounter with technology in my art happened when I was about sixteen years old and I had been doing drawings of women and I wanted to make a copy of a drawing so I put it through a Xerox machine. In those days you had to feed the paper through and it would come out of a roll. In this particular instance the paper got caught in the roll and ripped and was mashed with ink spread all over the image… I eventually pulled it out of the paper roll and realized that this “accident” really improved the drawing. I thought it was much better than I could have done because it somehow emphasized the shape of the drawing but then it added the dimension I could have never imagined because of the way the edges were ripped and the way that the ink flowed. So I realized that this merging of technological machine and the original idea was really symbiotic. I tried to do it again but I couldn’t replicate it…

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By Lynn Hershman Leeson
